Legal Advocacy

Promoting Safety, Empowering Choice, Supporting Victim Rights

The STTARS Program provides legal advocacy to survivors of sexual violence throughout the criminal or civil justice process. Navigating the court system can be confusing and overwhelming. The goal of the advocate is to educate and support the survivor and their significant others through the legal process.

Sexual Violence Protection Orders: What to Know

A Sexual Violence Protection Order (SVPO) is designed to protect victims of sexual violence from further abuse and/or intimidation by their abuser, regardless of whether criminal charges have been filed against the perpetrator. Similar in  many ways to a Protection From Abuse Order (PFA), the key difference lies in the relationship between the victim and the  abuser.

SVPO’s offer civil protection to any victim of sexual violence who is at risk of further harm by the perpetrator. Parents/Guardians may seek SVPOs on behalf of minor children. Protections can be extended to other designated persons who  are also shown to be at risk for harm.

SVPO’s prohibit an offender from having any contact with the victim.  Protection can also be expanded to prevent  intimidation/contact from a third party on behalf of the offender or to extend protection to related parties.

Victims Compensation Assistance Program

The Crime Victims Compensation Program helps survivors and their families ease the financial burdens they may face as a result of a crime. Expenses that may be covered include medical care, counseling services, funeral expenses, and loss of wages.

Office of the Victim Advocate

The Office of Victim Advocate (OVA) is the state agency with the authority and duty to advocate for the rights and needs of crime victims. This mission is accomplished through victim services, which includes post-sentencing notifications of offender status and movements within the DOC and the parole system; restorative justice programs that promote resilience and healing; and the development of new initiatives around crime prevention.

We Are Here For You.

All services through the STTARS Program are free and confidential.

If you are in need of assistance please fill out the form or call:

Suspect Child Abuse?
Call PA Childline at 1.800.932.0313